Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Ring Lords play Guitar

It's been a little over a week since the last post. Everything has just been so busy, and I constantly find myself on the fine line between getting all my work done and getting far, far behind in my work. I work continuously and try not to put my work off, yet I always find myself working against the clock at the last second.

Well anyways, lots of stuff has happened!!!

Katelyn and I had our six month anniversary (YAY!!!) and I was terribley spoiled. I received a titanium ring with a silver inlay, and the inside was inscibred with "Forever Yours" in Latin. It's kind of funny I guess because it is supposed to be the other way around, but I suppose we are breaking the norm. In my eyes the act that she performed rather than the gift given, means more to me than anyone could possibly imagine. Katelyn, (I love you)^infinity he he.

Whenever I have gotten frustrated this week I started writing little pieces of music on guitar, but nothing anywhere near a song. It's just fun to play around with scales and put music pieces together. I always wanted to play, but never had the inspiration to do it until Katelyn and Mike. It's kind of sad really because Mike shunned me away and Katelyn gave up playing. Guitar just seems to upset her for some reason so I never bring it up. I definitely want to play a lot more with Dan though, he is picking it up really fast. At the rate he is going he will be better than me in a few weeks.

Hmmm, I guess not that mush happened this past week. The importance of Katelyn and I's six month anniversary seems to make it feel like a lot happened. I ate a 12 inch roast beef sub yesterday and almost puked... but no one really cares about that.

Thats all for today, and as for Fishy... phase three has yet to reveal itself.


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